Locksmith Charley - Home Page Main Transponder Page Contact Locksmith Charley
To contact Locksmith Charley, the easiest way is to call 602-717-5397.Fax Communications may be sent to 1-509-278-1751
Mailing address:
Home office address:
Locksmith Charley
730 S. Country Club Dr. #93
PO Box 40293
Mesa AZ 85210
Mesa AZ 85274
If you want to place an order for mobile locksmith service, you may e-mail:
Orders@LocksmithCharley.com. This will go to both my general e-mail box as well as my cell phone's mailbox.
People/companies SPAMMING my "ORDERS" e-mail address with anything unrelated to immediate work orders will have complaints filed with their ISPs.
My General e-mail address is or you may
click on my photograph anywhere you see it. Sorry about the image, but I'm
getting tired of the SPAMMERS!
I have taken great care to try to ensure that all information presented on
these web pages is factually accurate.
My intent is to use this web page in the place of several books as my source of reference. I am making this, my own personal reference source available to the general public as a courtesy and as a learning tool for people interested in the subject matter.
Accessing these pages and using the information presented here is done AT YOUR OWN RISK and I make NO WARRANTIES or GUARANTEES of ACCURACY or COMPLETENESS.
You understand and agree that the information presented on this website is a compilation of information from multiple sources that occasionally conflict one another. You understand that vehicle manufacturers frequently make mid-year changes and that the manufacturers and suppliers of after-market parts and information are frequently not directly provided with any information by vehicle manufacturers.
Your use of this website and any information contained herein constitutes your waiver of any liability or damages of any kind and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless Charles Eastwood, Locksmith Charley, his assignees and successors from any liability or damages which you might sustain from the use of this information.
If you find the information on this page helpful, donations are happily accepted.
You can send United States Postal Service
OR, Poke on the pay-pal button! Pick your own amount! Every little bit helps! |
You are encouraged to contact me by telephone at
602-717-5398 preferably from 10AM-Midnight California time. You can also contact me by E-Mail to: Charley@LocksmithCharley.com. Please make sure to include you e-mail address and a telephone number so I can contact you back if there are any questions I need to get answered or to clarify any information.This page is Copyrighted 2001-2013, by Charles "Locksmith Charley" Eastwood, CRL