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Locksmith Charley's Transponder Information Page |
Many of the key blank
listings on this website are linked to a table containing cross-reference
information and photographs.
ILCO is an aftermarket manufacturer of key blanks.
STRATTEC is an Original
Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) of key blanks for many automobile manufacturers.
STRATTEC makes many remote headed key blanks that ILCO and others do not make.
Some of the links under the ILCO column may link to and display photographs of keys actually manufactured
by STRATTEC or others. Any time a key blank reference is made in
that is an indication that it is an
OEM Part Number and it is
typically available only from a dealer or possibly used
from another source.
GM VATS keys contain a
resistor pellet valued numerically at #1 - #15.
You must use the correct value resistor for your car or it will not start or
** Special Note re: ILCO H84PT key blanks:
"Back in the day" for applications using the Strattec 599114 key blank the ILCO books would say "dealer only key" or some such.
Apparently they were planning ahead, because they had the H72PT, H73PT, H86PT, etc. and H84 falls squarely in the middle of all that.
The 599114 key (40-bit) has typically had a "·" (dot) or "S" stamped into the key.
Their newer "80-bit" offering 5913441 has "SA" stamped into the key.
Strattec's 5913441 and ILCO's H84PT 80-bit key blanks are backwards compatible meaning that they will work in vehicles with a 40-bit system.
Keys cut on 40-bit blanks will not start vehicles requiring 80-bit keys.
Manufacturer | make | System | Program | make | add | ILCO | Strattec | Alternate | TRANS | |||||
Year(s) | Model | first | transponder | dup | add'l | key blanks | ID | |||||||
key | First Key | key | key | |||||||||||
************* | **************************** | ***** | *********************************** | ************ | ***** | ****** | ************ | **************** | **************** | ******* | ||||
Mazda | 1st | Pgrm Car | Dup | Add | ILCO | Strat. | Alternate | |||||||
2011 | Mazda 2 | yes | CAN incode required | SDD | MAZ24RT17 | MZ34-PHT | 4D63 | |||||||
2004-11 | Mazda 3 w/key | yes | CAN incode required | SDD | MAZ24RT17 | MZ34-PHT | 4D63 | |||||||
2010-11 | Mazda 3 w/PROX | PROX - incode required | SDD | dealer prox | ||||||||||
2004-10 | Mazda 5 | yes | CAN incode required | SDD | MAZ24RT17 | MZ34-PHT | 4D63 | |||||||
2004-11 | Mazda 6 w/key | yes | CAN incode required | SDD | MAZ24RT17 | MZ34-PHT | 4D63 | |||||||
2009-11 | Mazda 6 w/ PROX | PROX - incode required | SDD | dealer prox | ||||||||||
1998-99 | 626ES V6 | yes | MVP | yes | no | MAZ24R-T5 | 692080 | 4D63 | ||||||
1998-99 | 626LX V6 | yes | MVP | yes | no | MAZ24R-T5 | 692080 | 4D63 | ||||||
2000-04 | 626ES V6 | MVP | ||||||||||||
2000-04 | 626LX V6 | MVP | ||||||||||||
2007-12 | CX-7 w/key | yes | CAN incode required | SDD | MAZ24RT17 | MZ34-PHT | 4D63 | |||||||
2010-11 | CX-7 w/PROX | PROX - incode required | SDD | dealer prox | ||||||||||
2007-12 | CX-9 w/key | yes | CAN incode required | SDD | MAZ24RT17 | MZ34-PHT | 4D63 | |||||||
2007-12 | CX-9 w/PROX | PROX - incode required | SDD | dealer prox | ||||||||||
2006-11 | Miata MX-5 w/key | yes | CAN incode required | SDD | MAZ24RT17 | MZ34-PHT | 4D63 | |||||||
2009-11 | Miata MX-5 w/PROX | PROX - incode required | SDD | dealer prox | ||||||||||
2000-04 | Miata | MVP | ||||||||||||
2000-04 | MPV Van | MVP | ||||||||||||
1999-02 | Pickups 3000 | yes | PATS | SDD | yes | yes | H72PT | 598333 | 4C | |||||
1999-02 | Pickups 4000 | yes | PATS | SDD | yes | yes | H72PT | 598333 | 4C | |||||
2003-04 | Pickups 3000 | yes | PCM | SDD | yes | yes | H84PT | 690212 | 599114 | 4D63 | ||||
2003-04 | Pickups 4000 | yes | PCM | SDD | yes | yes | H84PT | 690212 | 599114 | 4D63 | ||||
2001-09 | Pickups 3000 | yes | PCM / PATS 4 CAN | SDD | yes | yes | H84PT | 690212 | 599114 | 4D63 | ||||
2001-09 | Pickups 4000 | yes | PCM / PATS 4 CAN | SDD | yes | yes | H84PT | 690212 | 599114 | 4D63 | ||||
2001-04 | Tribute | yes | PCM "SF1" | SDD | yes | yes | H86PT | 691643 | 4D60 | |||||
2005-08 | Tribute | yes | Ford PATS 3 CAN "S" | SDD | yes | yes | H84PT | 690212 | 599114 | 4D63 | ||||
2009 | Tribute | yes | Ford PATS 5 CAN "S" | SDD | yes | yes | H84PT | 690212 | 599114 | 4D63 | ||||
2010-11 | Tribute | yes | Ford 2010 CAN "S" | SDD | H84PT | 690212 | 599114 | 4D63 |
MAZ24RT17 | MZ34-PHT | Fixed Code | |
MAZ24R-T5 | 692080 | Re-writable / clonable | |
H72-PT | 597602=Ford OE:011-R0221 597603=Mercury |
Ford Transponder key H75 style 8-cut blade Grv-82 4C Transponder chip |
H84-PT* Covers 40 bit and 80 bit applications |
599114=Ford OE:164-R0475 40 bit 5904287=Ford 5913441=Ford 691259=Lincoln 5913437=Lincoln 599179=Mercury 5913439=Mercury 690212=Mazda |
Ford Transponder key H75 style 8-cut blade Grv-82
H74-PT | 691643 OE: 011-R2050 |
Ford Transponder key H75 style 8-cut blade Grv-82 4D60 Transponder chip
![]() |
My intent is to use this web page in the place of several books as my source
of reference. I am making this, my own personal reference source available to
the general public as a courtesy and as a learning tool for people interested in
the subject matter. Accessing these pages and using the information presented here is done
COMPLETENESS. You understand and agree that the information presented on this website is a
compilation of information from multiple sources that occasionally conflict one
another. You understand that vehicle manufacturers frequently make mid-year
changes and that the manufacturers and suppliers of after-market parts and
information are frequently not directly provided with any information by vehicle
manufacturers. Your use of this website and any information contained herein constitutes
your waiver of any liability or damages of any kind and you agree to indemnify
and hold harmless Charles Eastwood, Locksmith Charley, his assignees and
successors from any liability or damages which you might sustain from the use of
this information.
If you find the information on this page helpful, donations are happily
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OR, Poke on the pay-pal button!
Pick your own amount!
Every little bit helps!
You are encouraged to contact me by telephone at
I have taken great care to try to ensure that all information presented on
these web pages is factually accurate.
money orders to:
Locksmith Charley
PO Box 40293.
Mesa AZ 85274
This page is Copyrighted 2001-2013, by Charles "Locksmith Charley" Eastwood, CRL